Get students active and ready for NAPLAN

Get students active and ready for NAPLAN

Active children = active brains!

Member schools -try out some energisers (quick classroom-based physical activities) with your class leading up to NAPLAN.

There is growing research across the world about the links between physical activity and learning. Research tells us that after engaging in physical activity children are better able to concentrate, which can enhance learning and that children who participate in energisers are better focused.

During 2015 and 2016 Move Well Eat Well delivered Active Classrooms sessions for classroom teachers. These sessions covered practical ways to get students moving more and sitting less in the classroom. Three months after the session, 100% of classroom teachers who took part in our evaluation believed that energisers or active games in the classroom had positive impacts on students concentration.


1 Castelli et al 2015 Active Education: Growing Evidence on Physical Activity and Academic Performance. Active Living Research. Austin, Texas.