Additional strategies to support breastfeeding

In addition to the mandatory breastfeeding policy requirements for services applying for their Move Well Eat Well Award (outlined in the Breastfeeding Policy template), you may like to consider implementing some or all of these additional strategies to further support breastfeeding at your service.

Education and support

  • We have a supply of breastfeeding information resources available to all parents.
  • We provide information to new parents about the benefits of breastfeeding and how the service provides support and encouragement.
  • Training and information is provided to staff about the importance of breastfeeding and anti-discrimination legislation protecting the parent’s right to breastfeed.
  • During orientation, we inform potential and new families about our breastfeeding policy and their options. We work with them to develop an individual plan to support their breastfeeding needs.


  • We participate in the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s Breastfeeding Welcome Here Program.
  • We have posters displayed to promote breastfeeding in the entrance to the building and in rooms catering for children 0-2 years.
  • Parents are encouraged to visit the service to breastfeed as often as required.
  • We meet the needs of our staff who are breastfeeding by:
    • providing a flexible work schedule
    • allowing lactation breaks to express breastmilk
    • providing a comfortable space to breastfeed or express breastmilk.