Recognised School Leader - Karla Reeves

Move Well Eat Well is celebrating its 10th Year in schools and is recognising school staff that have been significant supporters of the program.

Karla was nominated for the 6 years she has led and been involved in Move Well Eat Well at Miandetta Primary School.
She has:

  • Led MWEW at Miandetta by relaying information to staff and families
  • Been the key driver for practice and policy within her school
  • Ensured policy is up to date and applied for various incentives offered by MWEW
  • Attended regional networking sessions to network with other teachers and MWEW staff.

She is a great MWEW Leader because she is:

  • Organised
  • A good communicator

Overall, Karla has; assisted her school to get Move Well Eat Well started, helped the school maintain their Move Well Eat Well Award, advocated for healthy eating and physical activity at her schools and promoted Move Well Eat Well messages in school community. Well done and congratulations on being a Recognised School Leader!