Bring a healthy plate

As a parent or carer, you might be asked to bring a plate of food for a school celebration or event.

Try to include a range of foods from the fice food groups:

  • bread, cereal, rice and pasta
  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • meat, chicken, fish, eggs, tofu, lentils/beans, nuts and seeds
  • cheese, yoghurt, milk

Check with your service or school if there are any foods that should not be sent for allergy reasons.

Quick and tasty ideas:

  • Sliced melon platter  - try watermelon, rockmelon or honeydew melon
  • A large bunch of grapes - try different colours
  • Wholemeal or multigrain crackers and dip e.g. hommus or salsa
  • Fruit bread or fruit buns

Ideas for when you have more time:

  • Mini pizzas – top wholemeal English muffins with tomato paste, grated cheese and vegetables. Try tomato, pineapple, spinach, mushrooms, capsicum, zucchini and onion.
  • Fruit or vegetable pikelets, scones or mini muffins.
  • Vegetable sticks and dip - try snow peas, carrots, capsicum, cucumber, celery and cherry tomatoes.
  • Tiger sandwiches – layer different types of bread e.g. wholemeal, multi grain, rye and white bread and fill with vegetable fillings, for example, avocado and grated carrot.
  • Traffic lights – thread cherry tomatoes, cheese cubes and cucumber slices onto kebab sticks.
  • Pita chips – cut pita bread into triangles, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a moderate oven until crispy. Serve with a vegetable based dip.
  • Fruit kebabs – thread soft fruit onto kebab or icy pole sticks. Try kiwi fruit, strawberries, grapes, melon, orange and banana.
  • Mini vegetable frittatas or fritters - add lots of vegetables such as tomato, mushrooms, spinach, capsicum, sweet potato, onion and corn to egg and cheese and cook in a muffin tin.
  • Nibble plate – try cheese cubes, vegetable sticks, fresh fruit, boiled eggs,  wholemeal or wholegrain crackers and vegetable based dip.

To drink:

Pack a water bottle for all family members

Remember food safety...don't serve up any surprises!

  • Wash fresh vegetables and fruits well before using.
  • Keep food that needs to be kept cold in the fridge until serving. This includes food like dips, meat, and cut or prepared salads or fruit salad. This will keep it safe to eat.
  • Chill food well before packing. Do not transport food if it has just been cooked or is still warm.
  • Use a frozen ice brick and insulated cooler bag to transport food.
  • Cover ready-to-eat food well.